
School Photos 2024

 Hi Team 6J, IMPORTANT CHANGE TO CLASS PHOTOS MONDAY 2024: 6J will have their class photos postponed until Tuesday due to circumstances out of my control, wait for it....... Jury duty.... Unfortunately, the Jury Summons wasn't received and opened until Friday afternoon, so it is too late to apply for a deferral or to be excused from duty until Monday. The only option is to postpone the photos until Tuesday in the hope that I will be at school.  What does this mean for TUESDAY? Students to wear their MONDAY UNIFORM to school on TUESDAY. To keep this uniform clean, students can wear their faction sports uniform to school on Monday unless you have family photos scheduled for Monday morning. I apologise if this causes any inconvenience. Students to bring their sports uniform (LEAVERS SHIRT) in a separate bag to change into. Thank you for your understanding everyone. Enjoy the rest of the week! Until next time,  Mr Jones

Movie Day

 KAYA,  Welcome to the final week of 2023! MOVIE DAY REWARD The Year Five classes will be joining forces and watching a movie together on Thursday. A student from 5J has used all of their Banqer money to purchase the 'Movie Buff' reward. This reward allows them to choose 5 movies to put forward to the parents for approval. If all are approved, they make the final decision for what we watch on Thursday. IF YOU HAVE ANY OBJECTION TO ANY OF THE MOVIES LISTED BELOW, PLEASE EMAIL ME BEFORE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON WEDNESDAY (TOMORROW) AND I CAN REMOVE THAT MOVIE FROM THE LIST.  PLEASE NOTE THAT THEY ARE ALL RATED 'PG'. 1. Mrs Doubtfire 2. Home Alone 2 3. Johnny English 2 4. The Monkey King 5. The Grinch All students will be allowed to bring in a small zip lock bag of snacks or lollies to enjoy.  No Flavoured drinks please, H2O in water bottles will suffice. Happy for them to bring in a small pillow if they like as well. TRANSITION TO YEAR 6 Your child will begin to bring work h

Leadership Roles 2024

Leadership Teams 2024 Please take the time to go through the different roles below and have a discussion with your child about what would be a great fit for them.  We will begin to create a one page CV tomorrow. This will include some background information such as their name, birthday, faction, years at OLC, special achievements / milestones (First Holy Communion) as well as their 3 top preferences. With each preference, your child might like to write a sentence as to why they are interested or would be a great fit to that particular team. Please note that next year there will be a mid-year swap of teams so that each child will be apart of two teams over the year. Your child may also like to have an appropriate photo of themselves to insert into the CV to jazz it up.     Team: Spirit Spies and Wellbeing   Staff: Mrs. Meyer, Mrs Delane & Fr. Archie (where applicable)   Student Team Members :      Duty Statement:     Members of the Spirit Spies Team are responsib

Term 4, Week 8

 KAYA, Welcome to Week Eight! Well, summer has officially arrived and so have the flies! My gosh, they are a sticky bunch... Hopefully, the dung beetles start getting busy. Even though we are winding down, the classroom is still busy with  six seasons explanations, novel study booklets, student CV's for 2024 leadership teams positions, and a number of mathematics concepts such as coordinates, scale and compass points to name a few. Almost there, two weeks to go! QUOTE OF THE WEEK IMPORTANT DATES - Term 4 ( more information can be found on the school website Wednesday 29th November - OLC Christmas Concert Friday 8th December - OLC Colour Run and Last day of School  JUNIOR ARCHIE CLASSROOM WALK THROUGH / CHRISTMAS CONCERT To coincide with the Christmas Concert on Wednesday, both classes will be open from 3:30pm - 5:15pm for you to come and check out the fantastic portraits that the students have created.  Get here early, find a good carpark, a great spot for the rug and come into the

Term 4, Week 6

 KAYA, Welcome to Week Six! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and survived the pollen invasion from the strong easterlies. Only four weeks of the year left. Before we know it, Christmas will be upon us, tomatoes will be ripening and we'll be getting ready for a new school year! Where has the time gone? QUOTE OF THE WEEK CHARACTER STRENGTH OF THE WEEK A perfect segue into this particular strength, so many of of our soldiers, past and present show bravery in many ways.  WHAT IS BRAVERY? To be brave is to face your challenges, threats, or difficulties.  It involves valuing a goal or conviction and acting upon it, whether popular or not.  A central element involves facing – rather than avoiding – fears. This can be: Physical bravery - requiring us to do something physically challenging like running a race or getting a spider out of the bathroom.  Psychological bravery - working on owning all the parts of ourselves and accepting them as a valuable part of who we are.  Moral braver