Leadership Roles 2024

Leadership Teams 2024

Please take the time to go through the different roles below and have a discussion with your child about what would be a great fit for them. 

We will begin to create a one page CV tomorrow. This will include some background information such as their name, birthday, faction, years at OLC, special achievements / milestones (First Holy Communion) as well as their 3 top preferences.

With each preference, your child might like to write a sentence as to why they are interested or would be a great fit to that particular team.

Please note that next year there will be a mid-year swap of teams so that each child will be apart of two teams over the year.

Your child may also like to have an appropriate photo of themselves to insert into the CV to jazz it up.



Team: Spirit Spies and Wellbeing 

Staff: Mrs. Meyer, Mrs Delane & Fr. Archie (where applicable) 

Student Team Members



Duty Statement: 


Members of the Spirit Spies Team are responsible for: 


·       Whole school promotion of MJR values and wellbeing values during Assembly on a Friday.  

·       Weekly presentation of the MJR winners at assembly. 

·       MJR and service-learning promotion through displays and social media. 

·       Awareness raising of local community needs, aligned to the OLC    

Evangelisation plan. Implementation of workable strategies to address identified needs.  

·       Charitable fundraising ideas, strategies, organisation and running of events. 

·       Organising and promoting the annual OLC Mission Markets and Feast Day celebrations. 

·       Participation in local service-learning initiatives. For example, weekly assistance to set up at the St. George’s Community Kitchen in Gibney Street. 

·       Assistance in junior primary classrooms when necessary, and for the OLC Little Seedlings program weekly. 

·       Creating and leading whole school and parish liturgies. 

·       Staff appreciation flower distribution.  

·       Weekly mentoring opportunities for wellbeing with other students.  

·       Promotion of OLC school values. 

·       Work to fulfil the CEWA Wellbeing Framework with a student voice, using de-identified student survey data as a reference. 

·       Random acts of kindness - appreciation tasks – flowers, thank you notes/letters etc 


Team: Arts Crew 

Staff: Mrs Sherborne and Mrs Haines  

Student Team Members: 




Duty Statement: 


Members of the Arts Crew Team are responsible for: 


·                Organisation of OLC major creative events – OLC Got Talent, Christmas and Mid-Year concert. This will include backstage crew, script writing, set design, music selection and any choreography.  

·                Tuning ukelele and guitars.  

·                Assistance with junior classes Christmas Concert dance classes.  

·                Creating marketing materials for upcoming shows.  

·                Regular meeting and job updates with teacher coordinators on a Friday afternoon 



Team: Eco Heroes  

Staff: Mrs Hegney and Mr Jones 

Student Team Members: 



Duty Statement: 


Members of the Eco Heroes Team are responsible for: 


·       Collecting and maintaining worm whizz including distribution of worm whizz on plants around the school and the OLC veggie garden.  

·       Upkeep and maintenance of the OLC veggie garden in conjunction with Mr Jones. 

·       Collecting and emptying all classroom recycle bins in the school on a Friday afternoon and redistribution of bins back to classrooms.   

·       Awareness raising of school, community, and global environmental issues. E.g., no technology for one hour in celebration of earth hour. Promotion of and activities on special days – e.g., Earth Hour/Day, Ride 2 School Day, Beach clean-up days, National Water Week, Containers for Change etc.  

·       School environment – rubbish pick up, playgrounds and grounds upkeep. 

·       School improvements e.g., murals, signage, displays etc promoting sustainability and conservation. 

·       Management of Lost Property 


Team: Sports Rangers 

Staff: Mrs.Sinclair and Mr Jones 

Student Team Members: 


Duty Statement: 


Members of the Sports Rangers team are responsible for: 

    Assisting with sports carnivals/sporting activity set up, marshalling and   

      communication during sporting events. 

·                Conduct team faction meetings to share information and encourage team spirit/pride (teaching team chants, creating banners, etc). 

    Suggest, promote, run a variety of break time sports competitions (multi   

      -aged activities and events). 

    Role model sportsmanship and games skills. 

    Manage recess and lunchtime sports equipment. 

    Represent Our Lady of the Cape Primary School at carnivals. 

    Coach, umpire and run lunch time sports sessions. 

·                Promote, coach and run the Jump Rope for Heart program 

·                Promote and facilitate participation in the Fair Game project, which provides unique health & fitness programs and recycled sports equipment, building the capacity of under-serviced communities to promote healthy lifestyle choices and live healthier lives. 


Team: Communication Crew 

Staff: Mr. Torrese  

Student Team Members: 





Duty Statement: 

Members of the Communication Crew Team are responsible for: 

·                Leading potential families on School Tours. 

·                Running the weekly whole school assembly. 

·                Introducing and thanking guest speakers. 

·                Presenting weekly online OLC News recordings. 

·                Promoting, coordinating, and running whole school events such for Australian days of national celebration, e.g. NAIDOC Week, Harmony Day, Reconciliation Week, Sorry Day, International Day of Disability etc 

·                Public speaking at community events, e.g ANZAC Day celebrations, Community Christmas Carols etc 

·                Event photography. 

·                Class Blog Posts. 





The senior students are our student role models. We acknowledge the gifts and talents which each of them bring to our school community. They work hard and are successful in making our school a welcoming, friendly, just, and inclusive community in which all students feel safe and are happy to learn and play. They are the decision makers of the future, and we hope that through our Shared leadership program they will develop skills and attitudes to assist them to become good citizens prepared to make a difference, and to model the values of the ultimate servant leader, Jesus Christ. 


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