
Showing posts from May, 2024

School Photos 2024

 Hi Team 6J, IMPORTANT CHANGE TO CLASS PHOTOS MONDAY 2024: 6J will have their class photos postponed until Tuesday due to circumstances out of my control, wait for it....... Jury duty.... Unfortunately, the Jury Summons wasn't received and opened until Friday afternoon, so it is too late to apply for a deferral or to be excused from duty until Monday. The only option is to postpone the photos until Tuesday in the hope that I will be at school.  What does this mean for TUESDAY? Students to wear their MONDAY UNIFORM to school on TUESDAY. To keep this uniform clean, students can wear their faction sports uniform to school on Monday unless you have family photos scheduled for Monday morning. I apologise if this causes any inconvenience. Students to bring their sports uniform (LEAVERS SHIRT) in a separate bag to change into. Thank you for your understanding everyone. Enjoy the rest of the week! Until next time,  Mr Jones