Term 2, Week 9

Hi everybody! I hope you had a lovely and productive weekend and enjoyed the awesome weather that was on offer. I managed to burn down my bonfire (quite large) which has been sitting there for a while. The video below is actually from the public holiday but it has taken a couple of extra efforts to burn the remaining logs. This now allows me to start preparing for my veggie patch because the bonfire was sitting in prime position. Enjoy! QUOTE OF THE WEEK: VIRTUE: Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. This week we are looking for people who demonstrate Fairness. Can you encourage your child to show the following? DANCE CONCERT: A message from Mrs Haines below. OLC DANCE CONCERT DRESS REHEARSAL- TUESDAY 22ND JUNE WEEK 10 Hi Families! You child is involved in a Dress Rehearsal next Tuesday, 22nd June (Week 10) to prepare for the OLC Dance Concert (OLC Dance Concert is happening on the last day of school, F...