
Showing posts from February, 2022

Week 4 / 5 Term 1

  What...we are starting Week 5 mid-term already?  I love my job, in fact it's more than that ...It is a precious blessing indeed to converse with the hearts and minds of children. So, it was semi-controlled chaos in our classroom this week, but trust me that was the point. P lay is the work of a child, and children benefit cognitively, physically, socially and emotionally through play and discovery!   Science - Chemical Science, States of Matter. Doing simple science experiments in the classroom is the easiest way to teach kids to be problem solvers and critical thinkers, and helps them develop a curiosity about the world around them. Plus they are a tonne of fun to do and a great way to make memories.   Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? It’s ...... OOBLEK!!!  Math - place value, place value, place value!!! This fundamental concept is the foundation of our number system and the cornerstone of all operations with number. So how do we consolidate this concept and en...

Parent Information

 Dear Parents, Welcome to the 2022 parent Information night. This year it looks a little bit different due to Covid Restrictions and therefore presented in an online capacity. Click below to access the Power Point. Year 5J Parent Information Night Thank you for taking the time to go through the presentation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the year ahead, feel free to send me an email. Warmly, Anne

Term 1 Week 2

Dear Parents, I would give the first two weeks of Year 5 a perfect ten ! We survived two weeks of swimming, wrote daily in our gratitude journal, got to know each other, created a pet wall, are currently reading Michael Bauer's novel 'Just a Dog,' learned about having a growth mindset, were inspired by 'Austin's Butterfly,' were visited by Charlie and Lola (two orphaned possums), had a water balloon fight and somehow managed to squeeze in some diagnostic testing, spelling, writing and maths! Here is our Term 1 Timetable ... please note that on Monday and Tuesday we will require our teal shirt sport uniform as the children have Dance and Sport, and on Friday our coloured faction shirt sport uniform. Our new school Homework Policy. The Curriculum Team have indicated that moving forward, students are to have only Reading and Times Tables practise as homework. The 'Reading Opens Doors' Challenge I implemented in Week 1 of this term fits the bill perfectly, t...