What...we are starting Week 5 mid-term already?
I love my job, in fact it's more than that ...It is a precious blessing indeed to converse with the hearts and minds of children.
So, it was semi-controlled chaos in our classroom this week, but trust me that was the point. Play is the work of a child, and children benefit cognitively, physically, socially and emotionally through play and discovery!
Science - Chemical Science, States of Matter.
Doing simple science experiments in the classroom is the easiest way to teach kids to be problem solvers and critical thinkers, and helps them develop a curiosity about the world around them. Plus they are a tonne of fun to do and a great way to make memories.
Is it a solid?
Is it a liquid?
It’s ...... OOBLEK!!!
Math - place value, place value, place value!!!
This fundamental concept is the foundation of our number system and the cornerstone of all operations with number. So how do we consolidate this concept and engage kids at the same time??? We play BULL, COW, SHEEP of course. I have been told that this is now the after dinner game of choice in some of your households.... and for those of you who don't know what on earth I'm talking about, ask your child. The winner gets ten shots ... again, ask your child.
We also play Number of the Day as a math warm-up, and have been working on mental math strategies (split and compensation). We have now moved into operations with Written Algorithms and I won't rush through this, but give the children plenty of opportunities to practise and revise.
HASS and ART - Bushfires and Human Impact on the Environment
With the recent Dunsborough bushfires, this topic is not only timely and relatable, but has prompted an outpouring of rich and emotive discussion amongst the children. So far we have looked at the causes of bushfires, the three things required for a fire to burn, major Australian Bushfires, and the resulting environmental and human loss. Your children have poured their hearts into each of the learning activities. Next we will look at what it means to be Bushfire Ready, and what things we will take and sadly have to leave behind.
(Let me know if you haven't been able to access your child's Bushfire Art piece on Seesaw).
English - Reading, Writing and Spelling
We have started our Reading Group rotations which run from Monday to Thursday and include a Guided Reading session with me, Extended Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension strategies and Reader's theatre. No word of a lie, your children cheer when it is Reading Group time.... I can't believe it myself!!! Ok, I'll fess up, I think it's got to do with the Extended Vocabulary activity where I ask the children to pair up and write a conversation using a set of prescribed words and then perform it in front of the class. Their wit and humour shines!!! Once again, in the Reader's Theatre activity where they are required to rehearse a script as a group, (focusing on fluency, pace, tone, expression), just like Hollywood actors, and then perform in front of the class, they shine.... there are days we are rolling on the floor laughing, it is sensational.
We are continuing with the Soundwaves program for spelling, where there is a focus phoneme for the week and the children learn all the graphemes associated with that sound. Many of you will already be very familiar with the program as it is the approach adopted in all year levels.
For writing we are focusing on Narratives using Pie Corbett's Talk4Writing program, which rests on the premise that "if you can't say it, you can't write it." I personally love this approach because it is interactive and leads the children through memorising a mentor text - The Canal, creating a story map with actions, boxing up the text, creating a new text as a class, pulling apart the tools good writers use, and finally letting them loose on a text innovation!
If all that sounds like Greek not English, do not fear! I am a nerd with Literacy and trust me, the results are amazing.... in fact, I will make a mental note to send you a video snippet of the children 'performing' The Canal.
Class Liturgy
As we have lost the ability for communal celebration for now, our job as educators is to bring Jesus to our children in the tradition of our faith. We celebrated a beautiful, reverent, prayerful class Liturgy last week, followed by a simple activity where each child made a card with words of love and encouragement for someone, to give to them for no reason.
And the award goes to . . . .
Congratulations to our Week 3 Merit Award winner Tiare Dorizzi. Tiare is a co-operative, responsive and considerate member
of 5J/C, who displays good manners and excellent work habits. Tiare you work
well independently and collaboratively, and your natural interest in many areas
allows you to tackle all learning experiences meticulously and with enthusiasm.
Congratulations on a wonderful start to Year 5.

Congratulations to our Week 4 Merit Award winner Noah Haynes
For being an organised and efficient learner who has
excellent work habits. Noah you can be trusted to carry out given tasks
competently, diligently and with minimal supervision, and are fully deserving
of the excellent progress you are making in all learning areas. Well done!
Congratulations to Jax Blackburn for being the week 4 recipient of the Spirit of Jesus Award for his faction.
Week 5 Happenings:Tuesday 01/03 Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day
Wednesday 02/03 Year 5 Student self-esteem Survey conducted by Mr Toresse
Wednesday 02/03 Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. In class Liturgy and distribution of ashes.
Wednesday 02/03 Prayer Vigil for Ukraine
Friday 04/03 Peter Snell visiting to collect donations
for Timor Leste 9am.
Character strength:
Currently at OLC we are focusing on modelling
and observing different character strengths. This week we are
looking for people who show fairness. "Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor
and needy". Proverbs 31:9

What . . . you are still reading??? I applaud you.
Enjoy your weekend and until next time 'choose kind.'
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