
Showing posts from April, 2022

... and that's a wrap

Dear Parents, The perfect words for this moment are not easy to come by....  Yesterday your beautiful children wrote a song for me, choreographed and performed dance routines, presented speeches, played the piano, baked a cake, gave me gifts... and I wept! I am so invested in each child's progress, treasure our laughs and in-jokes and love them even when I'm growling at them to, "Stop talking...I'm just going to wait for whole body listening!" And then this morning to be greeted with the gorgeous flowers and beautiful messages from you all, I am so moved thank you. I tell the children often, that they each have something special to offer the world, gifts that this world needs, and I look forward to seeing them more fully realise those gifts, as they complete Year 5 with Nick. Nick is my mentor, has years of teaching experience and, one of the kindest hearts... I have no doubt your children will blossom in his care.   God Moment -    We celebrated a beautiful, r...

Yikes... that shady, shifty, surreptitious Week 10, sneaked up on me!

Dear Parents, Swimming Tuesday 5 th   of April - We will be involved in swimming  activities at Geographe Leisure Centre’s outdoor pool. Year 5 students will be departing school at 9.50am, and back around 1.15pm. Students will need to bring goggles, rashie and towel with their bathers worn under sports uniform (faction colour polo shirts). Thongs are permitted to and from the pool. Please ensure everything is clearly labelled. Please advise the school if your child will struggle to make 25m in the outdoor pool. There will be a novelty race for all students to enjoy. The children are usually ravenous after swimming, perhaps pack and extra piece of fruit or muffin for them. Please be advised that due to Covid restrictions, this day is for students only. No parents will be admitted . Does life get any cuter than this ...... thank you Lily-Eve, our hearts melted!         Week 8 and 9 merit award winners .......  Kye Godding For your excellent Mathematics ...