Term 4, Week 3

Hey everyone, Hope you're having a great weekend! See you all during the week.. . QUOTE OF THE WEEK CALENDAR ART Please click the following link to check out your child's calendar art for 2022. The piece was titled 'Sunset Silhouette'. CALENDAR ART LINK SWIMMING TIME TRIALS On Tuesday, the Year four, Five and Six classes will be travelling to Busselton for the Swimming Time Trials in preparation for the Swimming Carnival on Friday in Week 4 (4th Nov). Please ensure that your child has the following items ( in a separate backpack if possible ): Water bottle Morning tea and 'Crunch and Sip' (lunch will be back at school) Hat Bathers Towel Rashie Sunscreen (sensitive skin) class teachers will have normal sunscreen at the pool Flip flops (otherwise shoes will need to be worn) The buses are scheduled to leave OLC at 08:45am, so please factor this into your morning leave time on the day. NOVEL STUDY BOOK CLUB Book Club will begin this week, with all students receiv...