
Showing posts from November, 2022

Term 4, Week 8

 Hello everyone! Two weeks to go! I can't believe we're about to enter the festive season for 2022!  Time really does fly... IMPORTANT REMINDERS 7th December: Christmas Concert 8th December : CLEANING DAY (sports uniform) / End of year reward - Movie Day 9th December:  Final Day / Year Six Graduation / Farewell Assembly / Colour Run  ART WEDNESDAY We have two art projects happening on Wednesday. The first will be run through our OLC 'artist in residence' initiative. Rebecca Cool will be working with the students to create some Christmas Cards.  The second project, 'Portraits on Perspex', is being delivered by the talented Mrs Hall who has kindly donated her time and skills to work with the kids. A huge thank you to Rob for cutting the sheets into 60 A3 sized pieces for the project. I'm looking forward to seeing the end pieces of both projects. COULD YOU PLEASE SEND AN ART SHIRT OF SOME DESCRIPTION IN WITH YOUR CHILD ON WEDNESDAY SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL COLLE...

Term 4, Week 5

  Hi Parents, We welcome Taylia Iriks to the classroom for the next 3 weeks. Miss Iriks is currently in her second year of studies at ECU, Bunbury. The children are already familiar with Miss Iriks after 5 distributed days last term. We wish her all the best during her stay at OLC and please make her feel welcome if you pop in to the classroom. QUOTE OF THE WEEK REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE 5 J will be running the Remembrance Day Service this Thursday at 11:00am. We hope to see as many of you as possible in the hall for this special occasion. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS APPEAL It's that time of the year again for the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal. Please read below to see what the different year groups a responsible for.  Kindy & PP: Christmas goodies, chocolates, bonbons, puddings, decorations, small children's gifts and stocking stuffers etc. Please note: no lollies or candy canes please! Years 1, 2 & 3: Pasta sauces, meal kits, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces,...