Term 2, Week 1

Kaya Team 5J, I hope you all had a great Easter break, especially with the perfect run of weather over the last week. I spent some time with the in laws over the first weekend and been local for the rest of the holidays, enjoying my time surfing, gardening and getting my compost pile to 65 degrees, which is almost getting too hot! Great to be back for Term Two. QUOTE OF THE WEEK IMPORTANT DATES ( more information can be found on the school website) 28th April: 5J Anzac Service 14th May: Mother's Day 16th / 17th May: Scholastic Book Fair 19th May: National Walk Safely to School Day 19th May: DPS vs OLC Soccer Community Event 26th May: National Sorry Day 28th May: Pentecost ANZAC DAY SERVICE 5J will be presenting the 2023 Anzac Day Service on Friday 28th April at 2:00pm in the school hall. It would be great to see you all there. IN THE CLASSROOM English We will be hitting the ground running with a 'Narrative Hot Task' for the students to showcase their ...