Term 2, Week 5

Kaya Team 5J, What an amazing run of weather we are having at the moment. Hopefully, you have been making the most of it. Thank you to everyone that came down to support the OLC soccer teams on Friday night. What a great turn out! I can say that I was very sore over the weekend, but I managed to leave the walking frame at home for the new week... QUOTE OF THE WEEK IMPORTANT DATES ( more information can be found on the school website) 26th May: National Sorry Day 28th May: Pentecost 2nd June: Pupil Free Day / Staff PD 5th June: WA Day Public Holiday 15th June: OLC Cross Country Carnival 16th June: Year 3-6 Dance Concert - 11am YOGA / MEDITATION Last Thursday, we participated in our first session with Heather Starr. I was very impressed with how the kids participated. We will have another session this coming Thursday. CHARACTER STRENGTHS This week we are looking at developing the character strength of Leadership. St Joan of Arc is said to have heard the voic...