Mission Markets

Hey everybody! Just a quick post in regards to the Feast of the Assumption of Mary Mission Markets for 2023 held this Friday 04 August. This year the Year Five classes will be running a 'Hair Spray and Finger Nails' Market Stall to help raise money on the day. We are asking that all of the boys bring in a can of coloured hair spray and all girls bring in a bottle of nail polish. If you have any bottles of hair spray / nail polish that you no longer use and would like to send them in, that is fine. If you need to purchase coloured hairspray, I believe that the newsagent and Coles have some in stock. There is also an option for the girls to purchase some finger nail stickers from Kmart as an alternative to nail polish. Please send this in by Thursday afternoon. There will also be a Basketball Madness stall, but we have all the resources at school for this. On Friday please send in some coins (if possible), in a ziploc bag with your child's name, so that they can p...