Term 3, Week 6

Hello all and welcome to Culture, Nature, Challenge week! The students and I are super excited for Thursday and Friday. It looks like we should be greeted with great weather. Maybe a little sprinkle of rain here and there? But all in all, it should be a great couple of days. QUOTE OF THE WEEK INSIDE THE CLASSROOM Reading: Beginning in Week 8 and running for 5 weeks, the Year Five classes will be participating in a Book Club. Each student will be placed into a reading group and will be assigned a particular novel to read. Each week, the members of the group will have to perform a different role and contribute to a Book Club meeting every Friday. Over the five weeks and on a rotation system, each student will have been responsible for being the director, illustrator, word finder, summariser and connector. Over the next 2 weeks of this term, we will continue to model how to perform each role explicitly, so that they will ready for the Book Club. Culture, Nature and ...