Term 3, Week 6

 Hello all and welcome to Culture, Nature, Challenge week! 

The students and I are super excited for Thursday and Friday. It looks like we should be greeted with great weather. Maybe a little sprinkle of rain here and there? But all in all, it should be a great couple of days.



Reading: Beginning in Week 8 and running for 5 weeks, the Year Five classes will be participating in a Book Club. Each student will be placed into a reading group and will be assigned a particular novel to
read. Each week, the members of the group will have to perform a different role and contribute to a Book Club meeting every Friday.

Over the five weeks and on a rotation system, each student will have been responsible for being the director, illustrator, word finder, summariser and connector. 

Over the next 2 weeks of this term, we will continue to model how to perform each role explicitly, so that they will ready for the Book Club.

Culture, Nature and Challenge Days:

Another year and another installment of the Culture, Nature and Challenge Days. Each year has proved to be a huge success so I am super excited for the third installment.

Students have been placed into 2 groups (Ringtails and Bobtails) and over the two days will participate in four different activities in the Margaret River region. 

Please note that the students will be picked up by bus in the morning of each day and dropped off at school ready for collection at the end of each day. Please make sure that your child arrives at school no later than 0815 hours. 

The buses are on a strict time schedule and we will not be able to wait for any child that arrives late. 

Congratulations to Ayva Marsden for receiving a Star Citizen award for respect. Well done legend!!

Enjoy the rest of the week!

Until next time,

Mr Jones


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