Welcome to 5J
Parents and students,

you may want to quickly pop the kettle on and settle into a comfy seat because being
the first blog post for the year, it is packed with information.
welcome to the beginning of another school year! I trust that you have all had
a fantastic break with your loved ones and are ready to get back into some
routines and normality. I can’t wait to see all the students on Monday and
meeting any parents that I haven’t yet throughout the course of the first term.
is the first blog post for 2020. You should expect to find a new blog every
fortnight, which will highlight any great learning, as well as the main
concepts that are being covered in the classroom and any important events that
will occur over that fortnight.
know there is plenty of communication between the school and parents via texts
and they may sometimes slip through to the keeper, but I hope that you endeavour
to skim and scan your way through all the blog posts as it is a very important
communication tool between teachers and parents. Reading the class blog with
your child each fortnight will actually be included in their Home Learning Grid
(more information on this below) so it will be a great way for both you and
your child to spend a little time together and at the same time keep up-to-date
with their education.
For the record, this will officially be the longest introduction to a blog post
ALL YEAR! They will be shorter in the future… I promise!!!
Affirmation of the Week:
New Bell Times
Doors open:
School begins:
Recess: 10:40 -
Lunch: 1:00 -
End of School
Day: 3:00pm for everyone, including pick up lane & bus.
Late and Leave Early Passes
Gathering time
begins at 8:30am until 8:40am. Please ensure that your child is at school by
8.40am. If you arrive at school after 8.40am parents are required to attend the
office first with your child to sign and pick up a Late Pass and then give this
to the class teacher. If you wish to collect your child early from school, you
are required to come to go to the office first, collect a Parent Pass and then
hand this to the classroom teacher as you collect your child.
Crunch ‘N’ Sip
Each morning the
students will get a break to have a Crunch & Sip break. The idea of Crunch
& Sip is that the students have a short break to increase their energy
levels, increase awareness about eating fruit and vegetables, as well as
encouraging them to drink water and keep hydrated throughout the school day.
Labelled Items
Please ensure
that all personal items (hats, drink bottles, lunch boxes, uniforms crunch
& sip containers, etc) belonging to your child are labelled to avoid losing
Specialist Timetable
Music – Monday
Indonesian – Tuesday
Education – Wednesday
HASS – Wednesday
Book Exchange
Students will be
required to have their LIBRARY BAG at
school on WEDNESDAY.
Term one is our
Summer uniform:
Girls - Summer dress with brown sandals or black leather school shoes (not canvas runners) with white socks.
Boys - White shirt, grey shorts with brown sandals or black leather school shoes (not canvas runners) with grey socks.
Girls - Summer dress with brown sandals or black leather school shoes (not canvas runners) with white socks.
Boys - White shirt, grey shorts with brown sandals or black leather school shoes (not canvas runners) with grey socks.
Please see school website for more information.
Please note that the Year 5 classes will be required to wear their
sports uniform on WEDNESDAY (normal) and FRIDAY (faction).
Home Learning Grid
OLC is following
a new format for homework this year, from Years 1-6. This will be based on the
Ian Lilico homework grid. Below is an insert from his book to give you an idea
on how it will work and what types of activities will be included in their
“It will enable parents to get children to do their share of
work in the home including housework, shopping, physical activity such as sport
training and engaging in family outings such as walking, fishing and exploring
their world – activities which enhance family life. It also covers areas such
as reading, being read to, playing a game with parents, research on the
computer, music practice and many others.”
This will not be
sent home until week 2 and will be discussed further at the Parent Information
Teacher Contact
If you have
any question or queries please don't hesitate to email me at:
1. Whole School
Mass @ Our Lady of the Southern Cross - 9am,
Friday 7th February
2. Parent Information Evening - Tuesday 11th February
(Session 1: 5-5.30pm & Session 2: 6 - 6.30pm)
3. Swimming Trials Yr 4-6 - Tuesday 18th February & Geographe Leisure Centre
4. Board & P&F AGM - Wednesday 18th February @ 7pm
2. Parent Information Evening - Tuesday 11th February
(Session 1: 5-5.30pm & Session 2: 6 - 6.30pm)
3. Swimming Trials Yr 4-6 - Tuesday 18th February & Geographe Leisure Centre
4. Board & P&F AGM - Wednesday 18th February @ 7pm
Under this section you will find the main concepts being covered in the
is all for now! If you are still reading, I thank you and applaud your
resilience and persistence J
next time, choose kind…
Mr Jones
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