Hi everybody! Jam packed blog this week, so grab yourself a cuppa, find yourself a nice warm spot in front of the fire and check it out. QUOTE OF THE WEEK: SORRY DAY: This Wednesday, your child has been asked to wear either a yellow, black or red shirt to school. During the day, the whole school will be getting together to spell the word 'Sorry' on the oval. Below is the list of what colour your child needs to wear along with their normal black sport shorts: Red: Lulu, Holland, Aurelia, Tim, Louie, Hudson, Ruda and Sonny Yellow: Liam, Carter, Lola, Sam, Maisey, Miah, Eva and Cruz Black: Matilda, Lockie, Emerson, Piper, Cooper, Josh and Liam If your child doesn't own a shirt with the colour that was assigned, just wear a colour that they do have. FUNDRAISER: Just a reminder to get busy in the kitchen and put together your recipes for the Year Five Fundraiser. Please contact Kim Archer or Kelly Sweet for more information. STYLUS PENS: There still seems to be a number of stude...
Hello and happy last day of Term 2!!! I hope everyone has a super break, whether that be locally or somewhere across this great state. Drive carefully and we'll see you all in a couple of weeks. Pig season for me so I'll be busy making sausages in Waroona. QUOTE OF THE WEEK PERSONAL BELONGINGS: Now that we are half way through the year, could you please restock the items that your child should have with them at school. Please send in the following items if they are required: Pens (red, blue and black), pencils, erasers, rulers, glue sticks etc... Exercise books (if you kept some at home) Display folders CULTURE, NATURE AND CHALLENGE DAYS: Our inaugural Culture, Nature and Challenge days will be launched next term on the 2nd and 3rd August. Please find the packing list below and please note that kayaking WILL NOT be an activity on either day. DESERT BEAR PROJECT: During last term, the class has been exploring how different plants and animals have adapted to survive in the Austr...
Hi Year Five parents! A big thank you to all of the Year Five parents that managed to come in for a chat about your child's progress this year. Both Miss Lombardi and myself have reflected on the process and some key points to come out of our meetings is to provide you guys with some strategies to best support your child's learning at home. READING: As all children should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes each day, hopefully a time could be set aside each week to engage with their reading. Below is a list of questions that you could ask your child before, during or after reading, to get the conversation started. It would be great if you could listen to your child read at least once a week, paying close attention to their ability to use the punctuation cues within the text. MATHEMATICS: As part of our home learning in Year Five, the students will focus on a particular Times Table for the week. They have access to a range of hip new songs that focus on the different multi...
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