
Showing posts from June, 2020

Term 2, Week 9

Hi Parents! I hope you all had a great weekend!  Affirmation of the Week: IMPORTANT REMINDERS 1.     CAMP - Camp has officially received the GREEN light to go ahead! Last week an email was sent out from Admin to all parents that included an attachment to a permission slip and medical form. I have printed out some copies for the children who have returned their forms to take home today. It would be great if they could be returned ASAP please. 2.     CROSS COUNTRY Next Wednesday 1st July, the Cross Country Carnival will be taking place from approximately 9.15-11am. Presentations will be held next term when we are eventually able to hold assemblies again. Students are to wear their sports uniform with their faction polos. They will require a spare change of clothes (including shoes and socks) in case the weather is inclement. Children may bring along coloured decorations and wear coloured zinc. Parents are welcome to attend...

Term 2, Week 8

Hi there parents! Just a quick blog this week. CAMP 2020 Camp has been tentatively booked for the beginning of next term at Forest Edge in Waroona. Unfortunately, we still haven't received the green light from the government. With this mind, we are still going ahead with the necessary planning in hope that the government will jump onboard soon. Your child will be bringing home a permission slip and a medication form for you to fill in and send back in to me. If these could be in by the end of the week, that would be great. We will let you know of any more information as soon as we find out. MERIT AWARDS Congratulations to the merit award winners and star citizen winner over the past few weeks. Great job!  Cameron Spencer  Avalon Paterson Jake Veitch Madi Rogan STEM PROJECTS The students have been placed in their groups for the ‘Bear Project’. Over the next week, the groups will be in the investigating phase of the project. For ...

Term 2, Week 7

Good morning OLC! I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed the fantastic weather. Last weekend without football! Affirmation of the Week: IMPORTANT REMINDERS 2.     Home Learning – Thank you to all the parents that are tracking their child’s home learning during the week and signing it ready for Friday. Please make sure that everything is completed as some Home Learning Grids are being signed, however, when I cross check, there are some activities that aren’t being completed. 3.     Speak Out – The speaking and listening challenge from last term will finally begin to wrap up next week. Only 4 kids presented their speeches last term so there is a good chance that your child was not one of them. Hopefully, all that is required is a couple of practice runs before the day as they should have been completed last term. You can access the challenge and when each child will be required to present theirs via TEAMS – English Channel –...