Term 2, Week 9
Hi Parents!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Affirmation of the Week:
1. CAMP - Camp
has officially received the GREEN light to go ahead!
Last week an email was sent out from Admin to all
parents that included an attachment to a permission slip and medical form. I
have printed out some copies for the children who have returned their forms to
take home today. It would be great if they could be returned ASAP please.
Next Wednesday 1st July, the Cross Country Carnival
will be taking place from approximately 9.15-11am. Presentations will be held
next term when we are eventually able to hold assemblies again. Students are to
wear their sports uniform with their faction polos. They will require a spare
change of clothes (including shoes and socks) in case the weather is inclement.
Children may bring along coloured decorations and wear coloured zinc. Parents
are welcome to attend and watch. It is asked that you park in the top
Naturaliste Road Car Park or the Sloan Drive Carpark, as the gravel carpark
will be closed.
This Friday 26th July is Pyjamas Day here at OLC,
the students are encouraged to wear their pyjamas to school for a gold coin
donation. All money raised will go towards our Caritas fundraising.
All the children have been placed into groups of 3 and have begun
investigating the environment, different bear species, possible food and water
sources etc. This Thursday, we will begin the planning and designing phase of
the project.
Please refer to One Note – Content library
– STEM folder for more information.
next time, choose kind…
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