Welcome to 5 J 2021
Hi everybody and welcome to the new school year!
Below is some handy information that will get you, your child and myself through the first week jitters.
Due to ongoing restrictions and general COVID awareness, you are welcome to walk your child to the door where we will be waiting to greet you and your child on the first day. Please try and arrive at school by 8:30am.
If you can please make sure that you have unpacked and labelled all items as necessary.
If you didn't purchase the exercise books stated on the booklist, can I recommend purchasing book covers for your child's books. Below is an example of what you might find at K Mart or Officeworks. These covers or something similar will significantly extend the shelf life of your child's exercise books. It would be great if all exercise books are covered by the beginning of Week 2.
Any spare exercise books are to be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please do not worry about filling in subject areas as they can be reused for the next year if they don't need them.
These spare exercise books will be kept in the classroom for your child throughout the year.
Your child will have their own pencil case. We ask that all items are labelled with your child’s name. Can you please be mindful of the number and size of pencil cases that your child brings, as their tray capacity is very limited and they take up a significant amount of desk space.
Please stock their pencil case with the booklist items, any additional stationary will be kept in the classroom in a labelled ziplock bag for your child to access when needed throughout the year.
Water bottles will be kept at the “hydration station” in the class, not on class desks due to our use of laptops. The class will be encouraged to drink regularly and allowed access to their water bottles as they request. They are able to fill up their bottles at the water fountain, so only one water bottle is
necessary. Water bottles will be sent home each day. They should be washed and refilled ready for the next day.
Crunch and sip will continue in the classroom this year. Only fresh fruit or vegetables please. I am currently starting a new side business selling unclaimed food containers online and I am making quite a sufficient amount of money. If you would like to support my business, PLEASE DON'T LABEL the containers you send to school with your child.
Please ensure that all personal items (hats, drink bottles, lunch boxes, uniforms, crunch & sip containers, etc) belonging to your child are labelled to avoid losing items!
PLEASE NOTE that we will be exchanging books from the library on a Monday morning (Starting Week 2) so students will need their library bag every Monday.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID – 19 restrictions, we will not be gathering for our regular Parent Information Evenings in 2021. Instead, I will send you a link to a digital presentation at the beginning of Week 2.
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