Term 2, Week 6

Hi everybody!

Jam packed blog this week, so grab yourself a cuppa, find yourself a nice warm spot in front of the fire and check it out.



This Wednesday, your child has been asked to wear either a yellow, black or red shirt to school. During the day, the whole school will be getting together to spell the word 'Sorry' on the oval. Below is the list of what colour your child needs to wear along with their normal black sport shorts:

Red: Lulu, Holland, Aurelia, Tim, Louie, Hudson, Ruda and Sonny

Yellow: Liam, Carter, Lola, Sam, Maisey, Miah, Eva and Cruz

Black: Matilda, Lockie, Emerson, Piper, Cooper, Josh and Liam

If your child doesn't own a shirt with the colour that was assigned, just wear a colour that they do have.


Just a reminder to get busy in the kitchen and put together your recipes for the Year Five Fundraiser. Please contact Kim Archer or Kelly Sweet for more information.


There still seems to be a number of students that don't have a functioning stylus pen to accompany their laptop. If you have tried the new battery and it still isn't working, please contact Janine (Monday or Thursday - Office next to the classroom). 


I have decided to change the way that our home learning runs. Students will now have a Home Learning Exercise Book that comes home with them everyday and returns to school the next morning. Please ask your child to explain the new system so that we are all on the same page.

A few points to consider:

  • Home learning grids are given on a Monday and are now due on the Friday of the same week (please note that I still allow the weekend for the extra activities to be completed - just
    make sure that they have been highlighted ready for Friday).
  • Please don't sign the grid if your child is not completing their tasks. Incomplete tasks will be completed during class sport on Fridays.
  • Tasks that should be completed each night are a spelling activity, listening to a times tables song and completing a column of times tables questions and 20 minutes of reading.
  • There will no longer be home learners of the week as uploading pictures etc will not be required.
Feel free to email me if you require any further clarification. 


We have begun a new program during our numeracy time called 'Numeracy Ninjas'. This is a fun way to develop their fluency with mental and written numeracy strategies. Throughout the rest of the year, the students will be awarded different coloured ninja belts - depending on how many questions that they answer correctly. Hopefully we see everyone improve their skills and become real life numeracy ninjas!

We are also almost ready to begin our next investigation where the children will have to 'Race Around Australia'. 

We have been busy learning a variety of concepts which will help us to make sense of the investigation. These include: 24 hour time, Australian time zones, reading and interpreting timetables, map references, compass points, directions - turns and degrees, coordinates to locate position and latitude and longitude. I can't wait to see what the different groups come up with. GAME ON!!!


Next week, the Year 5 and 6 classes will travel to Bunbury to compete against other schools in football, soccer, netball and hockey. This Friday, we will be having a training session during our class sport time. If your child would like to bring in specialised boots for the session, they can bring them in their school bag on the day. It would be great if we could see as many parents as we can on the sidelines in Bunbury!!!

A Big congratulations to Lockie Davies for receiving the Star Citizen Award for appreciation. Well done Lockie!

A special mention also goes out to Piper Huxtable for receiving a Merit Award last week. Great job Piper!

I think that is all for now. Enjoy the rest of the week!

Until next time,

Mr Jones


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