Term 2 Farewell

 Hello and happy last day of Term 2!!!

I hope everyone has a super break, whether that be locally or somewhere across this great state. Drive carefully and we'll see you all in a couple of weeks.

Pig season for me so I'll be busy making sausages in Waroona.



Now that we are half way through the year, could you please restock the items that your child should have with them at school. Please send in the following items if they are required:

  • Pens (red, blue and black), pencils, erasers, rulers, glue sticks etc...
  • Exercise books (if you kept some at home)
  • Display folders


Our inaugural Culture, Nature and Challenge days will be launched next term on the 2nd and 3rd August. Please find the packing list below and please note that kayaking WILL NOT be an activity on either day.


During last term, the class has been exploring how different plants and animals have adapted to survive in the Australian climate. To consolidate the learning, students have been placed into groups to design and create a bear which has been relocated to the Australian desert. They will need to give the species of bear certain structural and behavioural adaptations so that it can survive in its new environment. They will make a diorama that highlights the climatic conditions of the desert environment, the bear's diet and the living conditions of the new environment. They will then use their technology skills to create a Stop Motion video to showcase their bear.

The project outline can be accessed via the Stem folder in the Content Library of One Note.

Although the groups are not required to meet during the holidays, can I ask that if you have any items that may assist in the creation of the diorama, could you please put them in a safe place so that they can be brought into school when we are ready to construct the dioramas.


We have two new students joining 5J next term. Mishell is a previous student of OLC returning to the school and Caleb is joining us from St Thomas in Claremont. I know the class will make them feel super welcome but could you have a quick chat with your child on how they can be a 'WESTIE' and help with their transition into a new environment.


During those cold and wet days, remember that you can utilise Mathletics and Soundwaves games to consolidate all of the learning that has happened in Semester One. There are also links to typing games in our Digital Learning folder in One Note. Please ensure that your child continues to read and practise their Times Tables.

Be safe and enjoy the holidays!

Until next time,

Mr Jones



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