Welcome Back!
Unfortunately, I am not there this week after testing positive to Covid on Monday morning. Not a super enjoyable experience but I am on the mend and will back next week.
Some exciting things are happening this term across both of the Year Five classes. Some inside the classroom and some outside the classroom.
1. Interschool Cross Country - 28th July
2. OLC Feast Day and Markets - 12th August
3. Culture, Nature, Challenge Days - 18th / 19th August
4. Book Week - Week 6
5. Pupil Free Day - 26th August
As I said before, there are some exciting things happening in the classroom this term...
read. Each week, the members of the group will have to perform a different role and contribute to a Book Club meeting every Friday.
Over the five weeks and on a rotation system, each student will have been responsible for being the director, illustrator, word finder, summariser and connector.
Over the first three weeks of this term, the students will be given the opportunity to practice how to perform each role, to get them ready for the Book Club.
Writing: We will be focussing on information report writing, specifically explanations, this term. After the initial teaching and modelling of how to write an explanation, the children will be choosing a topic of their choice to explain how something works, how something is made or how something occurs.
Speak Out: To begin to prepare the students for potential Leadership Speeches next term, we will be running a 'Speak Out' challenge. During this challenge, the children will explore different speaking and listening techniques to help them prepare and present their written explanation.
Exciting times within the Numeracy Learning Area!
There will be two investigations launched this term. The skills that are required to explore the investigation are taught and consolidated within the classroom. Once all of the skills have been taught, the students will be placed into smaller groups to explore the investigation.Each student in Year Five has been placed into a numeracy rotations group. The groups will get together across both classes twice a week to consolidate their learning of the main concept covered the day prior.
The first investigation is titled 'Fair Weather' and the estimated completion time of the Launch, Teach, Explore process will Be Friday of Week 5.
Culture, Nature and Challenge Days:
Last year was the first installment of the Culture, Nature and Challenge Days and it was a huge success so I am super excited for the second installment.
Students will placed into groups and over the two days will participate in four different activities in the Margaret River region. Some of the activities include a session with Josh Whiteland, exploring one of the many caves in the South West region, walking a section of the Cape to Cape track (my favourite last year) and a team building challenge set in the Prevelley area.Please note that the students will be picked up by bus in the morning of each day and dropped off at school ready for collection at the end of each day.
I have officially used all of my energy for this blog so I am off for a nap. I look forward to returning to school next week to hear about all of your adventures over the holidays.
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Until next time,
Mr Jones
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