Term 1, Week 4
Kaya Team 5J,
Another week in paradise! I hope everybody had a great weekend. My highlight was visiting my old friend, an 'Indo breakie with a side serve of bacon' at Goanna Gallery yesterday. Very tasty!QUOTE OF THE WEEK
21st February - Pancake Tuesday
24th February - General Assembly
- P and F Welcome Event
2nd March - Swimming Carnival (4-6)
A HUGE thank you goes out to Tegan Patterson and Claire O'Dea for putting their hands up to be the 5J class reps this year. Big round of applause.
English: We have reviewed the structure and language features of a narrative and are now looking more closely at some of the narrative elements like setting, characters and plot. We are currently using our five senses to construct a paragraph to introduce the setting of our stories (illustration to the right) and we will be using the 'STEAL' technique to build a character. You might like to ask your child during the week to teach them to you.
Mathematics: We have launched our first investigation for the year. There are a number of concepts that now need to be taught before the students complete the investigation. The concepts that they will need to understand before attempting the investigation are factors and multiples to solve problems, rounding to 100 and 1000, estimation strategies, place value beyond millions, multiplication 4 digit x 1 digit, multiplication 3 digit x 2 digit, expanded notation and measuring angles.
Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday and signifies the beginning of Lent. Watch the video below if you would like to know a little bit more about this important time in the Catholic Calendar. You might like to implement something as a family (prayer, fasting and almsgiving) during this time. I have also included a video about Jesus' time in the desert (highly recommend watching - find a quiet space for 5 minutes). Enjoy!
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