Parent / Teacher Interview Reflections

 Hi Year Five parents!

A big thank you to all of the Year Five parents that managed to come in for a chat about your child's progress this year. Both Miss Lombardi and myself have reflected on the process and some key points to come out of our meetings is to provide you guys with some strategies to best support your child's learning at home.


As all children should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes each day, hopefully a time could be set aside each week to engage with their reading. Below is a list of questions that you could ask your child before, during or after reading, to get the conversation started. It would be great if you could listen to your child read at least once a week, paying close attention to their ability to use the punctuation cues within the text. 


As part of our home learning in Year Five, the students will focus on a particular Times Table for the week. They have access to a range of hip new songs that focus on the different multiplication facts and the students can access these songs via TEAMS.

Another part of their home learning is reviewing a concept from the previous week.

Any concept that has been taught in the classroom, is accessible on the classroom's One Note Mathematics page. This can found on your child's computer via the Content Library on One Note. There you will find the differentiated tasks that your child worked on during that concept.

Please watch the following screen cast to show you how our numeracy time works:

Home Learning Screen Cast

Kind regards,

Miss Lombardi and Mr Jones


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