
Showing posts from October, 2023

Term 4, Week 4

Kaya Parents, I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Go the Matildas!!! I have a new found appreciation for mechanics after spending 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday morning replacing the timing belt and servicing my car. By servicing the car, I mean passing spanners and ratchet spanners, breaker bars etc to my father in law who was doing all the heavy lifting. QUOTE OF THE WEEK Important Dates for Term 4 2023 Thursday 02/11 and Monday 06/11  Artist Incursion -Kate Driscoll    Friday 3rd November - Grandparents Day at OLC Wednesday evening 8th November - OLC AGM  Wednesday 8th November - Remembrance Day Service - Presented by 5C  please note date change Thursday 09/11 Cricket Excursion Busselton Friday 10th November - Pupil Free Day  Wednesday 29th November - OLC Christmas Concert Friday 8th December - OLC Colour Run and Last day of School  BOOK CLUB The new Novel Study Book Club has begun this week, with all students receiving a new novel to read for the n...

Term 4, Week 2

Kaya Team 5J, I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. How good has the weather been over the past 3 weeks? I actually can't believe at how quickly this year has gone by. I will be sad to see these kids move on, but we'll have lots of fun before the end of the year. I've been busy in the garden preparing beds for the summer crops. I've included some photos of the structures I put together for my tomatoes and I'm testing growing my cucumbers up and A frame rather than all over the ground. I'll let you know how they're going in the coming weeks. QUOTE OF THE WEEK IMPORTANT DATES - Term 4 ( more information can be found on the school website) Monday 9th October - Term 4 begins  Wednesday 11th October - Opening term welcome mass 9.30am at OLOTSC Thursday 19th October - Interschool Athletics Thursday and Friday 26th and 27th October - School Photos  Friday 3rd November - Grandparents Day at OLC Wednesday 8th November - OLC AGM  Thursday 9th November - Remembrance...