Term 4, Week 4

Kaya Parents, I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Go the Matildas!!! I have a new found appreciation for mechanics after spending 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday morning replacing the timing belt and servicing my car. By servicing the car, I mean passing spanners and ratchet spanners, breaker bars etc to my father in law who was doing all the heavy lifting. QUOTE OF THE WEEK Important Dates for Term 4 2023 Thursday 02/11 and Monday 06/11 Artist Incursion -Kate Driscoll Friday 3rd November - Grandparents Day at OLC Wednesday evening 8th November - OLC AGM Wednesday 8th November - Remembrance Day Service - Presented by 5C please note date change Thursday 09/11 Cricket Excursion Busselton Friday 10th November - Pupil Free Day Wednesday 29th November - OLC Christmas Concert Friday 8th December - OLC Colour Run and Last day of School BOOK CLUB The new Novel Study Book Club has begun this week, with all students receiving a new novel to read for the n...