Term 4, Week 8

 Hi everyone,

I had envisioned this blog being sent out last week but due to some internet problems, I wasn't able to upload some photos and videos from the excursion. The problem has been fixed now so here we go. 

Only a couple of weeks left of what seems to be a year that has flown by so quickly. I don't quite know where the year has gone, but I am sure that everyone is looking forward to spending the holidays with loved ones and seeing 2020 out on a high! 


  • Year Six Graduation - Friday 4th December
  • International Day of Disabilities - Thursday 3rd December
  • End of Year Christmas Concert - Tuesday 8th December (Further details to come)
  • Colour Run/Last Day of Term 4 - Friday 11th December.


The festive season is a time for giving and what better way to kick off Advent by thinking of those
families out there that are less fortunate then us. The Year 5 classes have been asked to contribute to the appeal with NON-PERISHABLE ITEMS. Let's make a difference to someone's Christmas this year 5J...


Congratulations to Sophie Summers who received the Star Citizen for excellence recently. 

Also well done to Kirra Chandler and Charlie McClanaughan who have both received a Merit Award in the last few weeks.


Hopefully your child has relayed an abundance of new information after our excursion a couple of weeks ago. We are so lucky to live in the Wadandi area and equally lucky to have someone like Josh Whiteland to pass on his knowledge. 

If you ever get the opportunity to join in on one of his tours/experiences or quite possibly have the chance to attend another excursion, I highly recommend you jump at the chance. A special thanks to Sherylee Tutt, Marty Chandler and Warren Boyes for giving up their time to help out. I'm sure they enjoyed it as much as the kids and myself did.

Follow the link below to some videos of the day.


The children that wish to be part of the leadership team for 2021 will present their speeches on Tuesday morning to the Year 4 -6 classes beginning at 9:00am. Any child that is using a PowerPoint to support their speech will require it saved on a USB and in a zip locked bag with their name clearly marked.

The children have been working hard to put their speeches together and I am looking forward to hearing
them this week.

The rest of the class will be presenting their speeches in the classroom on Wednesday 2nd December.

All of the speeches will be assessed by myself using the marking guide below.

We were planning on having our bottle vehicle presentations this Thursday after lunch, but due to a clash with the 'skipping rope' presentations with Mrs Sinclair, we will postpone until the final week of school. I will let the children know which day will best suit this week. 

Until next time, choose kind!

Mr Jones


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