Week 5, Term 3

Hello all and welcome to Culture, Nature, Challenge week! 

The students and I are super excited for Thursday and Friday. It looks like we should get all the rain out of the way over the next two days and be greeted with much better weather. Maybe a little sprinkle of rain here and there? But all in all, it should be a great couple of days.



1. Culture, Nature, Challenge Days - 18th / 19th August

2. Book Week - Week 6

3. Pupil Free Day - 26th August

4. Open Classroom Night - Thursday, 1st September


Our book club commenced today with all students receiving their novels and activity booklets. 

A weekly overview is sent to each child's One Note - Reading Groups Folder if you would like to keep up to date with their progress (The students will be able to show you this information). 

It would be great if you can read through the overview so that you have an idea of what needs to be completed by the end of the week.

You will find out what pages need to be read that week and which one of the roles your child has to fulfill for the week (remembering that each child will be all 5 roles over the 5 weeks). The roles are the director, the summariser, the illustrator, the connector and the word finder.

Your child will need to complete the reading and their activity for the week ready for Friday's 'Book Club Meeting'. Please note, that they are given multiple sessions throughout the week to complete some of the reading and the activities, so if all goes well, it should just be the reading that can be done at home.

Any reading for the Book Club can be used in their reading log for homework.

Culture, Nature and Challenge Days:

Last year was the first installment of the Culture, Nature and Challenge Days and it was a huge success so I am super excited for the second installment.

You have already been sent loads of information regarding Thursday and Friday so I won't double up, but please keep an eye on the weather in regards to attire for each of the days.

Enjoy the rest of the week!

Until next time,

Mr Jones



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