Term 1, Week 5

Hi Parents and students,

I hope you had a great long weekend and are ready for another weekend in a couple of days. You have to love these short weeks, especially when a swimming carnival gets thrown in there!

Affirmation of the Week:


Swimming Lessons
These begin next week and run for two weeks at the Dunsborough Boat Ramp.

The Year Five classes will be leaving school at 12:35pm and arrive back at school at approximately 01:40pm.

Please ensure that your child has everything that they need to participate fully in each swimming lesson. This includes bathers, rash vest, towel, flip flops (to and from the lesson) and possibly a separate bag for wet bathers etc. All STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO WEAR THEIR SPORTS UNIFORM FOR THE WHOLE TWO WEEKS OF SWIMMING LESSONS.

Home Learning for Week 5
I have told the kids that I haven’t uploaded a new Home Learning Grid, however, they will still need to read, show attitude of gratitude, practice times tables, play spelling games and continue their physical activity. No need for a parent signature this week but next week will continue as usual.


1. Crazy Hair Day – 6th March (Gold coin donation)

2. Free dress day – 6th March (MEELUP FACTION ONLY)


The students have all made their Lenten Promises for the season of Lent. These have been uploaded to their Digital Learning Journeys on One Note for you to have a look at.


Spelling focus for Week 6 and Week 7 are the grapheme’s ‘k’ and ‘e’.

The students have created a setting for their narratives using the picture below. They tried to evoke as many of the senses as they could. They have done a fantastic job!

We will now move on to building a character and developing a plot.


The following concepts will be taught over the next couple of weeks.

Number and Algebra: Addition and subtraction mental strategies

Measurement and Geometry: 24hr time and calculating time (elapsed time etc..)

Until next time, choose kind…

Mr Jones


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